Steve's History Website
my family's journey through time
Shugaevsky Family
Part 25 Final Years
Quick Overview
There were not many more documents left for Marcus. He and Amanda were involved in selling perfumes. He was not well when my mother and grandparents came to this country. They arrived in August 1947 and Marcus died in May 1949.
1940 Census Record
Selected information from the 1940 US census
Address: 1088-90 Amsterdam Ave, NYC. This is where they lived when Ariadna and her parents came to this country. They rented the apartment instead of own it. Monthly rent was “54”.
I’ll skip over some of the information we know (they are married, etc.).
Ages: 54 and 48
Highest grade in school achieved: Both have “8”. There are other Europeans with “8’ written in. Gymnasium was eight years. This doesn’t include primary school.
Country born in: Belgium and Germany
They claim they were living at the same address in 1935. They may have actually been living in Brooklyn that year.
Marcus was not working the week of (can’t decipher) 1940. Amanda is working 25 hours a week as a saleswomen for perfumes. Marcus is also a salesman for perfumes. (Ariadna remembers that Marcus gave Valentin a list of perfumes to get in Paris on their way to the US.)
Number of weeks worked in 1939: Marcus worked “0”. It looks like Amanda worked “20”.
Amount of money wages or salary received in 1939. Marcus has “270” Amanda has “400” They both claim to receive money from other sources.

Details from the 1940 US Census
Click on images to enlarge.

Marcus Terbey, known by his friends as Leonid, towards the end of his life.

The back of the above photo has a note written in German by Amanda Terbey to a close friend of Marcus living in Paris, Kuznetsov: “for happy memories of your dear friend, Markus Terbey. Died May 31, 1949."
At the bottom are hard to read notes written in Russian or Ukrainian by Valentin which include "1952", perhaps the date Valentin received the photo

This is a photo of Marcus (Leonid) and Nikolai Ivanovich Kuznetsov probably taken in France where Kuznetsov lived. My mother remembers that he was Valentin’s classmate who left during the revolution .
The entire page for the 1940 census record is on the right. Occupations listed include 2 waitresses, 1 cook, 2 clerks, 1 park attendant, 1 school teacher, 1 restaurant owner, 1 doorman, 1 restaurant food checker.
Out of nineteen people on this sheet, ten are from Germany, and one from Austria. I imagine that the presence of so many German speakers would have been good for Amanda.

1940 US Census Record
1942 Draft Registration
Below is a 1942 draft registration card for Marcus. The mailing address is the business address at 11 Broadway, NYC. Residence is 1090 Amsterdam Ave. Amanda is listed as being unemployed.

1942 draft registration card for Marcus Terbey, front and back
Death Date: 31 May 1949
This is the last record I have for Marcus. He died of cancer May 31, 1949. The record below looks like a Social Security Claim made by Amanda. I have not found Marcus's actual death record
Amanda continued to travel and I have records for the trips. It may not be difficult to find more documents in places like the New York Public Library or US archives.