Steve's History Website
my family's journey through time
Shugaevsky Family
Part 23 Married
1926 Married to Amanda
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As noted on the previous page, on December 4,1925 Marcus returned from Cherbourg, France on the RMS Berengaria. Cherbourg was a stopping point for transatlantic liners – Marcus may not always have spent much time in France on these trips.
On March 23, 1926, less than four months later he is returning from Cherbourg again, this time on the RMS Olympic. We don’t know what countries he visited besides France. Portions of the passenger list are below.
The date of his naturalization is correct on this document. He is a year older on this passenger list even though he didn’t have a birthday in between and he claims to be single. In fact he was married the previous month. His wife Amanda would join him in New York in June. Amanda was from Berlin so I assume he visited Germany on this trip.

Cherbourg, France was a stopping point for ocean liners and also had ferries to other ports.
Image: Google Maps

Parts of the passenger list for the RMS Olympic arriving in New York Harbor on March 23, 1926.
Amanda Terbey sailed from Hamburg, Germany on the SS Arabic leaving May 26, 1926 and arriving June 4. Amanda was German. My mother believes that she worked in a hospital and met Marcus when he was undergoing medical treatment. Amanda was 31 years old and had not been to the United States before.
Below is a transcription of her information from the passenger list. It is a passenger list for alien passengers so it has more entries. I used bold type for the significant information.
There is another example of the “T” in Terbey being confused with a “F”. For her new last name a printed “F” is crossed out and a “T” written in. In another entry, for Marcus’s name, it is left uncorrected.
Calling or occupation is “housewyfes”
Can read English and German; Can write German
German nationality, German race; last residence is in Berlin
Nearest relative is mother, Mary Kopinka, Lenkolln, Elbe Str. 29
Final destination is New York City
Has passage to final destination; passage paid by Marcus; has at least $50
Plans to join husband Marcus “Ferbey”, 11 Broadway, ℅ “Col. Santuary”
Has not come to US to work temporarily
Intends to always remain in the US
Plans to become a citizen
Never in prison, almshouse, institution for insane, etc.
Not a polygamist, anarchist, and doesn’t believe in the overthrow of the US.
Not coming because of an offer of labor
Not previously deported within one year.
Good physical and mental health and not deformed or crippled
Height is 5’4”, fair complexion, dark hair, blue eyes, no identifying marks.
Birthplace is Glubschin, Germany – now the Polish town of Glubczyn.
Immigration visa #217 issued in Berlin in May.

1926 pasenger list from the SS Arabic (for alien passengers)
Some of the information I have already presented is from Amanda's Petition for Naturalization. A few additional details are in the box below.
The couples address is 20 W 121 St. New York City
Amanda's occupation is "housewife"
Amanda was born on July 31, 1892 in "Glulchin", Germany
The couple was married on February 27, 1926 in Berlin
Amanda submitted the petition on September, 29 1927
On June 7, 1928, Amanda signs the petition again and I believe this is when she became a naturalized citizen, This would be just over two years from her arrival.
I haven't found the US naturalization rules that were current in 1927. Amanda was marrying a US citizen. This must be why she didn't have to file an intension for naturalization, then wait for 2 years to submit her petition, She also wasn't a resident for five years.
Two witnesses signed an affidavit for Amanda's identity, her husband and Peter Morosoff, the same person who signed an affidavit on Marcus's 1925 passport application. We learn about him below.

Detail from Amanda Terbey's Petition for Naturalization

Amanda's Petition for Naturalization
Peter A. Morosoff
I have lots of information about Peter Morosoff and I even found a grandson who I tried to contact unsuccessfully. My thought was that perhaps I could discover some information about Marcus or at least some background information. I don't know if he was a business partner, friend, or both. I'll present just the basics of what I found discovered below.
Peter Morosoff was a witness for Amanda Terbey’s naturalization petition and the 1925 passport application. On both documents he lists his occupation as “merchant”. Hs address was 34 Abingdon Rd, Kew Gardens, LI, NY, where he lived with his four children and his brother and sister-in-law. His year of birth is ca 1877, so he is about nine years older than Marcus.
From the evidence below it appears Peter first visited the US in 1915 and emigrated with his family in 1919 (during the Russian Civil War). He must have come to the US with money or connections or both. In the 1920 census he is listed as a “Director of Co.” I can’t decipher what the industry is. There is no evidence directly linking him with Marcus’s business activities.
In 1920, the entire Morosoff household listed Moscow, Russia as their birthplace and 1919 as their year of immigration. 1919 would be during the Russian Civil War. The stronghold of the Bolsheviks included Petrograd, Moscow and the area in between.
In the 1930 census, Peter claims to have emigrated in 1915 and he is on a passenger list for that year. On that passenger list his occupation is “manufacturer”. In the 1930 census he is an executive for an importer.
In the 1915 passenger list Peter claims he is married. By 1930 he is widowed (the entry for the 1920 census is hard to read). There are more immigration details I didn’t save, For example, I think one of Peter’s sons came over by himself through Constantinople.