Steve's History Website
my family's journey through time
Marcus and Amanda Returning from Trips, 1928/1932/1935/1937
This page shows all the trips to Europe Marcus and Amanda took during these years – they spent a lot of time in Europe. I don't know that they spent all of their time together. Amanda may have stayed in Germany while Marcus traveled for business.
I haven’t added much historical research for these years. Early during this period, Germany had super inflation, high unemployment and political turmoil. Worldwide depression starts 1929. Hitler was appointed Chancellor in 1933 and established totalitarian control that same year. The German economy was revived by military and public works spending. Antisemitic campaigns started in 1933 leading to Kristallnacht in 1938. In 1938, Germany annexed Austria and parts of Czechoslovakia. In 1939 Germany invaded Poland starting World War II.
In presenting my research I decided to include a lot of detail. The more casual reader can read the subtitles (bold text) and not miss the story – the couple traveled a whole lot. I wish I knew more about Marcus's business. .
Marcus and Amanda arrive in NY October 17, 1928
I have found only a few departure dates. Over two years have passed since the last passenger list for a return voyage. On October 10, 1928, Marcus and his wife Amanda depart Cherbourg, France on the SS Homeric, tourist class, and arrive in New York on October 17.
This time Marcus gives the date of his naturalization incorrectly as 1915. On this document his age is 43, Amandas is 36.

The SS Homeric was another German ship that was given to England as part of war reparations.
Image: Public Domain

From the passenger list for the SS Homeric arriving in New York Harbor October 17, 1928.
Amanda arrive in NY October 7, 1931
In October 1931 Amanda arrives by herself on the SS Bremen (which sailed from Bremen). On the passenger list a Brooklyn address is legible. Her passport is from 1928 and her address is in Brooklyn.

From the passenger list for the SS Bremen arriving in New York Harbor October 7, 1931.
Marcus and Amanda arrive in NY October 9, 1932
This passenger list (below) from the SS Europa has Marcus and Amanda returning, third class, from Cherbourg on October 9, 1932.
Their passports were issued 2/29/1932. I haven’t found these passport applications. Their listed address is a business address at 11 Broadway.

From the passenger list for the SS Europa arriving in New York Harbor October 9, 1932.

The SS Europa was a German Ship built in 1929 and was very advanced for its day. After WWII it was awarded to France and rechristen the Liberté. It was in service till 1961.
Image: By Bundesarchiv, Bild 102-09251 / CC-BY-SA 3.0, CC BY-SA 3.0 de,
Marcus leaves NYC May 1935 /
Marcus and Amanda arrive in NY September 1935
The next trip I have evidence for is three years after the last. Marcus leaves New York and arrives in Southampton on the SS Bremen on June 3,1935. Amanda is not on the list with Marcus – maybe she is on another page or is already in Europe. His occupation is salesman His address in London is S.W.5.40-B Penywern Road. Age is 49.
The couple returns on the SS Bremen, sailing from Cherbourg and arriving in New York on September, 28, 1935. Amanda has a newer passport issued 5/21/35. Marcus has the wrong year of naturalization again. Amanda naturalization date is correctly listed as 1928. An address in Brooklyn is hand written over the business address at 11 Broadway, New York City (it could be 1547 54th St).
The SS Bremen was the sister ship of the SS Europa.

From the passenger list for the SS Bremen arriving at Southampton June 3, 1935.

From the passenger list for the SS Bremen arriving in New York Harbor October 3, 1935.
Marcus and Amanda arrive in NY October 7, 1937
Another two years later and Marcus and Amanda are returning on the SS Bremen, arriving on October, 7 1937. Marcus has a new passport from 5/15/1937 and Amanda’s passport is renewed. Amanda’s uses her marriage date as her naturalization date 2/26/1926.

From the passenger list for the SS Bremen arriving in New York Harbor October 7, 1937.
Wrap up
I have no more evidence that Marcus traveled. Europe was heating up. World War II started in 1939 and ended in 1945. After the war, Europe was devastated and Marcus was making arrangements to bring my grandparents and mother to the US.
Amanda continued living in the US (at least for some time). She went to Germany in 1954 and returned in 1955. She is also on a passenger list returning from a voyage in 1958. I have not found a death record for her