Steve's History Website
my family's journey through time
Shugaevsky Family
Part 20 Marcus's Associates
H Wadham and Company
36 Wall Street, New York City
Click on images to enlarge.
The above address is one that Marcus repeatedly uses. On his emergency passport application from Constantinople he claims he is residing away from home “for the purpose of commerce for H. Wadham & Co. 36 Wall St. N.Y. City.”
From census records I learned that Harvey Wadham was born in Massachusetts in 1871 – so he was about fifteen years older than Marcus. He and his family resided across the Hudson River in Tenafy, NJ. In the 1910 New Jersey census he lists his profession as stock broker. In the 1915 New Jersey census he lists his profession as banker. On the 1940 census, Harvey is listed as a stock broker again. He was married to Catherine Wadham, had a daughter (also named Catherine) and a son, Harvey Norman Wadham.
My mother was told that her uncle made money on the stock market, lost it in 1929, and managed to recover financially.

Address from a bank letter, November 21, 1922,
Charles Bellinger, Perrin, and Son
75 Maiden Lane, New York City
This is the address that Ariadna had to memorize and which shows up on many documents as a residence or permanent address. Because Marcus spent so much time traveling he used this address to receive mail.
Charles Bellinger lived with his wife and children in Maplewood, New Jersey. His name can be found on quite a few census forms and also a WWI draft record. He was born in 1873 so he was about 13 years older than Marcus. His profession was listed as either a manager, an insurance manager, or an insurance agent. In one document Marcus uses the Maplewood address as his own. In the 1910 census Mr. Bellinger has a seven year old daughter, a four year old son and a twenty-one year old servant named Mary Nedrich who speaks Finnish and whose place of birth is “Rus Finnish”.

Detail from the 1922 emergency passport application. The Maiden Lane address (in the financial district is entered as a permanent residence. H. Wadham & Co. is used as a business address.

Detail from a 1901 map of Manhattan courtesy of the New York Public Library. The red star is the New York Stock Exchange. The other shapes mark business addresses that Marcus used. The square is the 75 Maiden Lane. The hexagon is at 36 Wall Street.